
Divergence Eve (ダイバージェンス・イヴ Daibājensu Ivu) is a Japanese anime television series created by Takumi Tsukumo and directed by Hiroshi Negishi (who directed most of Satoru Akahori's anime-adapted works), with production by Operation EVE and animation production from Radix Ace Entertainment. It aired for 13 episodes on Tokyo-MX affiliated networks from July to September 2003.

The series became a hit in Japan that led to the creation of a second season subtitled Misaki Chronicles (みさき クロニクル Misaki Kuronikuru) which aired from January to March 2004.

In North America, both seasons were initially licensed by ADV Films and was released in three volumes on VHS and DVD. After ADV's liquidation, Sentai Filmworks re-released both seasons in their respective box sets.


The series is a science fiction story set in the far future, incorporating aspects of space opera. The character-driven storyline focuses primarily on the psychology of the main character, her social interactions, her inhuman abilities, and the conspiracy surrounding them. The technology is often secondary to this, but it is not ignored; several aspects, including their means of faster-than-light travel, are explained and loosely based on modern physics.

The second season follows smoothly from the previous series. The characters are the same and the plot is similar, but the theme of the episodes is much different. In this series, the elite team at Watcher's Nest is traveling through time, fighting the Ghoul at different points in time during Earth's history, mostly in Japan. There's also some discussion about the fact that the different times to which they are traveling may also be different versions of Earth, on which the timeline is slightly altered. This series is also distinct from its predecessor in that it is more plot- and character-driven, with less in the way of fan service.




# Title Airdate
Divergence Eve
Misaki Chronicles




External Links[]
