MØUSE (マウス , Mausu ) is a Japanese manga series written by Satoru Akahori and illustrated by Hiroshi Itaba. It was serialized in Hakusensha's "Young Animal" magazine between 1999 and 2004. It was eventually into a twelve-episode anime television series written by Hiroyuki Kawasaki, directed by Yorifusa Yamaguchi, and produced by Media Factory and Studio Deen.
A minor spin-off prequel name Mouse -Bakumatsu Den- was published in 2005.
Plot [ ]
Characters [ ]
Volumes [ ]
Release date
Chapters list:
Steal 1: There's Nothing Mouse Can Steal
Steal 2: The 3 Slaves
Steal 3: Operation Odaiba Tower (Part 1)
Steal 4: Operation Odaiba Tower (Part 2)
Steal 5: Mei Meets Boy (Part 1)
Steal 6: Mei Meets Boy (Part 2)
Steal 7: Mouse the Lingerie Thief!? (Part 1)
Pages: {{{pages}}} Cover Character(s): {{{character}}}
Release date
Chapters list:
Steal 8: Mouse the Lingerie Thief!? (Part 2)
Steal 9: Cherry Blossoms
Steal 10: Yayoi Falls in Love (Part 1)
Steal 11: Yayoi Falls in Love (Part 2)
Steal 12: Yayoi Falls in Love (Part 3)
Steal 13: Mouse's Holiday
Steal 14: Where One Feels At Home
Steal 15: The M Files (Part 1)
Pages: {{{pages}}} Cover Character(s): {{{character}}}
Release date
Chapters list:
Steal 16: The M Files (Part 2)
Steal 17: Summer! Bikinis! Romance!
Steal 18: The 5th Hazuki (Part 1)
Steal 19: The 5th Hazuki (Part 2)
Steal 20: The 5th Hazuki (Part 3)
Steal 21: Operation Bug......!?
Steal 22: Life or Death in 0.01 seconds
Steal 23: Fall! Autumn! Matsutakes!
Pages: {{{pages}}} Cover Character(s): {{{character}}}
Release date
Chapters list:
Steal 24: A Date With Mouse (Part 1)
Steal 25: A Date With Mouse (Part 2)
Steal 26: Deep Emergency (Part 1)
Steal 27: Deep Emergency (Part 2)
Steal 28: New Year at House Muon
Steal 29: Visit From Mother
Special 1: Bittersweet Melancholy
Steal 30: Operation Valentine (Part 1)
Pages: {{{pages}}} Cover Character(s): {{{character}}}
Release date
Chapters list:
Steal 31: Operation Valentine (Part 2)
Steal 32: Operation Valentine (Part 3)
Steal 33: Winter! Avalanche! Hot Springs!
Steal 34: Killer in White (Part 1)
Steal 35: Killer in White (Part 2)
Steal 36: Tsuki-chan's Love Plot (Part 1)
Steal 37: Tsuki-chan's Love Plot (Part 2)
Special 2: Salaryman Chutaro
Pages: {{{pages}}} Cover Character(s): {{{character}}}
Release date
Chapters list:
Steal 38: The 2nd Gordian Knot (Part 1)
Steal 39: The 2nd Gordian Knot (Part 2)
Steal 40: The 2nd Gordian Knot (Part 3)
Steal 41: Summer! Vacation! Madness!
Steal 42: A Blue Summer Story (Part 1)
Steal 43: A Blue Summer Story (Part 2)
Steal 44: A Blue Summer Story (Part 3)
Special 3: Waiting Home
Steal 45: Game to Hell (Part 1)
Pages: {{{pages}}} Cover Character(s): {{{character}}}
Release date
Chapters list:
Steal 46: Game to Hell (Part 2)
Steal 47: Game to Hell (Part 3)
Special 4: The Three Slaves' Orders
Steal 48: Under the Holy Night (Part 1)
Steal 49: Under the Holy Night (Part 2)
Steal 50: A Winter Cold Story
Special 5: Cat Eye
Steal 51: My Sister's a Rival!? (Part 1)
Steal 52: My Sister's a Rival!? (Part 2)
Pages: {{{pages}}} Cover Character(s): {{{character}}}
Release date
Chapters list:
Steal 53: My Sister's a Rival!? (Part 3)
Steal 54: One's Holiday
Steal 55: Transient Days (Part 1)
Steal 56: Transient Days (Part 2)
Steal 57: Transient Days (Part 3)
Steal 58: Pervy Strike
Steal 59: Two Scores to Settle (Part 1)
Steal 60: Two Scores to Settle (Part 2)
Pages: {{{pages}}} Cover Character(s): {{{character}}}
Release date
Chapters list:
Steal 61: Peevish Jealousy
Steal 62: One's Birthday
Steal 63: Showdown at Hakkakukan (Part 1)
Steal 64: Showdown at Hakkakukan (Part 2)
Steal 65: Depression
Special 6: Reunion
Steal 66: Ancient Vampire Tale
Steal 67: Ancient Vampire Tale 2)
Pages: {{{pages}}} Cover Character(s): {{{character}}}
Release date
Chapters list:
Steal 68: Ancient Vampire Tale 3
Steal 69: Ancient Vampire Tale 4
Steal 70: Ancient Vampire Tale 5
Steal 71: Ancient Vampire Tale 6
Steal 72: Ancient Vampire Tale 7
Steal 73: Ancient Vampire Tale 8
Steal 74: Ancient Vampire Tale 9
Steal 75: Ancient Vampire Tale 10
Pages: {{{pages}}} Cover Character(s): {{{character}}}
Release date
Chapters list:
Steal 76: The Moe Gourmet Manga Queen
Steal 77: Delusions, Delusions, and more Delusions
Steal 78: Master, The Lovers' Road
Special 7: Through the Darkness Towards the Sea of Light
Steal 79: Spring! Flower View! Sake!
Steal 80: The Hiyou Folklore 1
Steal 81: The Hiyou Folklore 2
Steal 82: The Hiyou Folklore 3
Steal 83: The Hiyou Folklore 4
Pages: {{{pages}}} Cover Character(s): {{{character}}}
Release date
Chapters list:
Steal 84: The Hiyou Folklore 5
Steal 85: The Hiyou Folklore 6
Steal 86: The Hiyou Folklore 7
Steal 87: The Hiyou Folklore 8
Steal 88: The Hiyou Folklore 9
Steal 89: The Muon Maid Athletic Meet (Part 1)
Steal 90: The Muon Maid Athletic Meet (Part 2)
Steal 91: Samahsha's Romance
Steal 92: Island! Seclusion! Amazons! (Part 1)
Pages: {{{pages}}} Cover Character(s): {{{character}}}
Release date
Chapters list:
Steal 93: Island! Seclusion! Amazons! (Part 2)
Steal 94: Attack Number Nyan (Part 1)
Steal 95: Attack Number Nyan (Part 2
Steal 96: Onizuka's Counterattack (Part 1)
Steal 97: Onizuka's Counterattack (Part 2)
Steal 98: Father and Son (Part 1)
Steal 99: Father and Son (Part 2)
Steal 100: The Mage of Warsaw Mage 1
Steal 101: The Mage of Warsaw Mage 2
Pages: {{{pages}}} Cover Character(s): {{{character}}}
Release date
Chapters list:
Steal 102: The Mage of Warsaw Mage 3
Steal 103: The Mage of Warsaw Mage 4
Steal 104: The Mage of Warsaw Mage 5
Steal 105: The Mage of Warsaw Mage 6
Steal 106: The Mage of Warsaw Mage 7
Steal 107: The Mage of Warsaw Mage 8
Steal 108: The Mage of Warsaw Mage 9
Steal 109: The Mage of Warsaw Mage 10
Steal 110: The Mage of Warsaw Mage 11
Pages: {{{pages}}} Cover Character(s): {{{character}}}
Novel [ ]
The novel adaptation was published by Fujimi Shobo and was released on February 20, 2003. The story focuses on how Mei, Yayoi and Hazuki first encounter with Mouse , based on Steals 5-6, 18-20 and 10-12.
Trivia [ ]
References [ ]
External Links [ ]